About the Bernard Healthcare Center

Jeanne Bernard
The Free Clinic of Franklin County, Inc. is a private 501 (c)(3), independent, non-profit organization governed by a community Board of Directors. Bernard Healthcare Center is the buildings name.
Our Start
A County steering committee, led by Jeanne Bernard, completed a needs assessment which recognized the need and, with the help of many concerned citizens, the clinic opened with a one (Monday) evening clinic/week on November 12, 1992. The clinic was staffed solely by volunteers. Quickly the clinic realized the need for chronic care was great and began a diabetes program which has grown over the years. As years progressed, the clinic grew and needed ever-increasing resources, manpower, and space.
Clinic Milestones
- November 12, 1992 First Monday evening “walk-in” clinic in one room of the STEP building
- July 1994 Pharmacy licensed
- May 1998 Day-time clinic opened and was staffed by a nurse practitioner
- October 2009 The Clinic achieved VAFC accreditation
- June 2010 Moved to 490 South Main Street which allows additional space for clinics
- April 2014 Moved to a new building at 1171 Franklin Street on Route 40 at Schewel’s Plaza, donated by Guy and Betty Beatty